The New Normal

Lately, everyone seems to be saying they can’t wait to get back to normal. Our world has been turned upside-down, inside-out, and we are past ready to see our loved ones.

One month into our current situation, we have observed a few things that we might carry over into the New Normal.

We have not eaten any food other than what we cook at home, and beside the occasional craving for Chick Fil A, we are enjoying it! We went over three weeks between grocery shopping, simply by using the abundance in our pantry and freezer. Although it might not have been exactly what we wanted to have, it was good home cooking and nutritious.

We are cautious about how much news we watch, read, and listen to. The local evening news gives us a rundown of what is going on in the world and close to home without over saturating our brains and souls. We look for humorous content on social media, and skip over the dark stories in our feeds.

We pray more. Sometimes these are prayers for people who are sick, but more often they are prayers of thanksgiving. Nothing like a pandemic to help a person realize how blessed we are.

We are more organized. This comes from having extra time at home, but is something we want to continue into the New Normal. We have not done any big projects in our house or yard. Instead we have done a little bit at a time, making our home less cluttered and easier to clean.

When we eventually head into the New Normal, we want to keep this less frazzled, less rushed feeling. We want to spend more time with family and friends, keeping our time with them simple and enjoyable.

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of the Stay at Home order, we hope to learn, grow and become better versions of ourselves.

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