Super Bowl Sunday 2021

The Super Bowl is making history today. The first Super Bowl played during a pandemic. The first Super Bowl played by a team in their hometown. The first time a quarterback has played in ten Super Bowl games, or even come close.

There are a lot of firsts today. Celebrations will be different. Super Bowl parties, or the lack thereof, are making history. Some folks are saying this is the Super Bowl, not the Stupid Bowl.

It goes a lot deeper than parties, and we want to acknowledge that we completely understand that. We have friends who have lost loved ones this past year due to COVID-19. There have been numerous sacrifices by healthcare workers and frontline workers, and most people have gone through major changes in one way or another.

Our Super Bowl Sunday is a little different than usual. Only immediate family will be at our house and we didn’t go quite as crazy with our menu. Every year we order pizza and wings, and this year we decided to go a different route. Don will be grilling up some brats with peppers and onions, and we will have buffalo chicken dip, veggies, fruit kabobs, taquitos and onion rings.

Enjoy the Super Bowl, the little break from reality, the competition between the best and the best. Elite going up against elite, and like Tom Brady says, the team that plays the best today will win. And, if you want to see a super funny commercial, check out the T-Mobile commercial that was banned for today featuring Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski! We think it will be the number one Super Bowl commercial that is not played during the Super Bowl. Another first.

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