Lake Fun

What is your favorite thing to do at the lake? We spent the day at Walnut Beach on Lake Erie this past Sunday and thought of dozens of fun things people like do at the lake.

RELAX This is our favorite. When we are laying on the beach listening to the waves crashing in, we are probably more relaxed than at any other time.

READ For the last few years, our fun reads have been James Patterson books. We both enjoy reading book series, and usually we like the same ones.

SWIM We are not lake swimmers, but enjoy watching the folks that do. Especially the distance swimmers.

GAMES There are many beach games: frisbee, football, volleyball. We watched people playing Mölkky on Sunday; looks like a lot of fun for all skill levels.

BOATING We don’t own a boat, but always watch them with a little envy. Lake Erie boaters have some HUGE boats and like to pull in close to the beach to anchor down. We also like to see sailboats, the more colorful the better.

KITE FLYING Honestly, is a person ever too old to go fly a kite? We think not. Lake kites seem to usually be fancy and big, and the breeze coming in off the lake makes for perfect kite flying.

NAPPING Can you sleep on the beach?? One of us can, and one of us can’t. The thought of sleeping in public does not appeal to one of us.

FISHING We both grew up with dads and family who love to fish. While this isn’t one of our hobbies, we definitely love Don’s cousin’s fish fry! Michelle and Jim serve Lake Erie walleye that is beyond delicious.

As much as we enjoy being at the lake, we made sure to leave in time to listen to Darren Armani, better known as Fantasy Mojo, on Sirius XM Fantasy Radio!

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